If you create a new article but don't want to publish it right away, you can either publish it manually later or schedule it for the future.
Create a new article for this purpose. If you don't know how to do that yet, you can find the description here. When you are done editing, click Save and then Publish. Close the Editor. You will get to the Post Overview, where you have to click on When to Post on the right to set the publishing date.
If Publish Immediately is selected, the article will be published immediately. However, you can also select Schedule and use it to pre-schedule the article.
Select the publish date from the calendar.
You can also give the article an Expiry Date to take it offline automatically. Clicking Save and Close will then pre-schedule the article for the specified date.
If an article is successfully pre-scheduled for the future, then a Scheduled tag will appear next to the name. If the article is published, then the tag changes to a Published tag.