You can either format text or customize the text style. You can learn how to format the text in bold, italics or as a link here.
In many cases, you will want to give the text different depths and use headings, standard text, and quotes, for example.
It is important that text styles are always applied directly to an entire text block.
To do this, click on the text block you want to change. A small menu will appear on the right above the text block. Use the TT icon to select the appropriate text style.
There are several text style options:
Textstil | Beschreibung | HTML-Übersetzung |
Display | Special text style to emphasize text dominantly, for example for page headings. Best not used in body text or together with Large Title on a page. | <h1> |
Large Title | Text style for extra large headlines. Should be used only once per page to be optimized for SEO. Therefore best not to use in body text or with a display on a page. | <h1> |
Title | Default text style for subheadings | <h2> |
Sub Title | Default text style for sub-headings | <h3> |
Body Large | Standard text in slightly larger | <p> |
Body Strong | Standard text in bold | <p> |
Body | Standard text | <p> |
Caption | Very small, mostly for signatures | <span> |
Blockquote | Text indented in an extra block for emphasis, good for quotes or particularly important information. | <blockquote> |
Nach dem Auswählen des Textstils wird dieser direkt angezeigt. Wenn du dir nicht sicher bist, welcher Stil am besten geeignet ist, kannst du dadurch die verschiedenen Optionen ausprobieren.